Click on the person's name to learn more about them!


Image of Terie Ha
Terie Ha

I’d like to think I’m pretty outgoing and I always enjoy meeting new people and making friends! I'm always down to try new things, and I love going out on random adventures.

Image of Sophia Chen
Sophia Chen

Hello hello, I'm Sophia! I'd consider myself a pretty easygoing and chill person, but I'm also spontaneous and love to hype people up. Mindset-wise, I do quite a bit of introspective thinking and reflection, and I'm always trying to improve myself as a person. Chilling and going out to eat is always fun, but I do also want to touch more grass, so I'm always down to try something new :)

Image of Sivakami Sivu Palaniappan
Sivakami Sivu Palaniappan

I am from California and have never been to the east boast, which is very prevalent. I love music, dance, anime, books, and exploring.

Image of Shane Aby
Shane Aby

I'm a cool dude.

Image of Sarah Yang
Sarah Yang

I am a pretty introverted person, but once you get to know me I'm really chill and sociable! I love trying new things and eating good food. If you see me in public and I look angry, I swear that's just my face, please don't be scared of me I actually love meeting people (as long as you approach me first LOL)!

Image of Sabrina Meas
Sabrina Meas

Hihi! My name takes after the TV show "Sabrina the Teenage Witch" ( ☹ I sadly learned that recently actually). I am Chinese-Cambodian - born in Philly but moved around a lot growing up. I'm a pretty social and open person, love having conversations from the most random to the deepest ones.

Image of Raymond Nguyen
Raymond Nguyen

Down to break a few bones to try something new

Image of Nicolo Agbayani
Nicolo Agbayani

I am a pretty chill guy that gets along with most people. When I'm not busy you can probably find me at the Korman Center. Feel free to hit me up on Discord or Instagram whenever! I definitely get enough sleep at night

Image of Nicholas Hom
Nicholas Hom

I am usually quiet, but if you get to know me I like to talk and learn about people's different hobbies. I enjoy trying new things and keep myself busy.

Image of Nawshin Ahmed
Nawshin Ahmed

Heyo! I'm Nawshin and I'm a sophomore studying Finance. If you want to know the best places to eat and waste your money, I'm your gal. I am easy to talk to but I don't always feel social in big crowds. I am ambitious, funny, cool, and I love food/boba dates.

Image of Michelle Le
Michelle Le

I'm a slightly introverted, cat-obsessed girl who sleeps too much. I'm happiest when I'm hanging out with my friends but I also enjoy recharging my social battery and being a homebody from time to time. If you send/show me cat photos, I'm instantly your friend.

Image of Michael Tran
Michael Tran

i’m an idiot

Image of Madhav Chopra
Madhav Chopra

Fun loving, adventurous and crazy!

Image of Kiki Lin
Kiki Lin

Surprisingly an ESFP. I'm ambitious, selfless, cheerful, witty and hella indecisive. I stay true to my words. I'm a great listener. I'm calmer in one-on-ones but my personality shines a little more in a group. Lastly, I'm life driven. anyway, dpr we ganggang

Image of Kevin Wu
Kevin Wu

hi my name is kevin uhhh im just a drexel student that wants to graduate because i have some particular opinions about this school i can either be really quiet or all over the place, theres no in between (sry) i really like having fun

Image of Kevin Liu
Kevin Liu

I am a straightforward guy who likes making jokes. My voice is very monotone and I am colorblind. I am better at teaching others than learning things by myself.

Image of Kenny Quang
Kenny Quang

I'm a very chill and easygoing person. Open to finding new experiences in life and just trying to get through my classes at this point. I also love memes, please send.

Image of Kenn Chong
Kenn Chong

Hi Kenn here, I am slightly introverted and loves spending time at my room occasionally. I do enjoy physical activities and improving myself everyday in terms of the skills, and hopefully I would be good enough to flex :)

Image of Jun Chen
Jun Chen

I’m a super senior so that means 6 years of procrastination experience 😎

Image of Johnny Ting
Johnny Ting

I like to go on adventures Chill and spontaneous I sometimes say silly things I am adventurous

Image of Jiejun Hou
Jiejun Hou

Hey, I'm Jiejun! you may call me JJ as well. I choose Computer Engineering because I like to tinker with computer parts. My Cantonese is like a 1st grader since I came to the US when I was 4. I enjoy talking about technology and history as well as current events (bless Wikipedia)

Image of James Tsai
James Tsai

Very casual person. I mostly spend my time playing games, reading, and watching anime. I like to consider myself decently organized since I do schedule my workload, but freetime is wherever the winds take me.

Image of Jacky Huang
Jacky Huang

Hey guys!! So today, we are introducing the Jacky Huang! I am from New Jersey so been in the Philly area for a bit of my life. I am curious about many things in life and am always down for nearly anything. Additionally, I love to travel! I also love learning about different languages and cultures. You might catch me at random places throughout campus, so don't hesitate to say "Ayo?"

Image of Jack Nguyen
Jack Nguyen

Hi! My name is Jack Nguyen and I'm a fourth year CS major. I would say that I am a laid-back person and easy to talk to. I enjoy going out and having fun, while also balancing my school life. I have lots of interests/hobbies, but would love to learn and experience new things!

Image of Harshil Thakur
Harshil Thakur

Hey! I am Harshil and I am a pre-junior majoring in Software Engineering and minoring in Technology Innovation Management and Data Science. I can be quiet and introverted at first but I feel like I am pretty outgoing once I open up.I like to travel and explore new places and have visited many different countries.

Image of Frank Yang
Frank Yang

I'm just a BS/MS student with just a couple of quirks and a troll irl. I like to think I'm pretty down to earth and some of my hobbies are being active and making things.

Image of Dylan Luong
Dylan Luong

I would describe myself as ambitious, quiet, and kind. I tend to laugh at just about anything and everything I say (not because I think I'm funny, at least most times lol oops). I am an INFJ-T personality type, so I tend to be shy, but I love getting to know people!

Image of Christopher Wi
Christopher Wi

My name is Chris Wi, and I'm from Conshohocken, PA. My parents are from South Korea, but I can't keep up a conversation in Korean :( If you see a 6'4" Asian on campus, there's a 21.33% chance that it's me!

Image of Christine Su
Christine Su

You will know me when you know me 😁✌🏻

Image of Caroline Wang
Caroline Wang

Hi! I am a fourth year biology major from northern California. I am nice and friendly, and I am always open to talk, especially after getting to know someone. I enjoy reading, napping, and watching movies, and I would love to explore more of Philly during the rest of my time here!

Image of Brian Lau
Brian Lau

That plushie guy, also gets bullied 😭

Image of Brandon Ng
Brandon Ng

just vibing and surviving l

Image of Ben Nguyen
Ben Nguyen

I am 2nd year majoring computer science. I love listening to music in my free time especially Kpop (If you need any girl group song recommendations I got you!). I also play a lot of games like League, Valorant and Genshin Impact. I might look very antisocial but once you get to know me, I will be more out going.

Image of Asycurie Lombestova
Asycurie Lombestova

I am a pretty outgoing person who is down to do anything! I love eating out and going on mini adventures. I also really enjoy watching anime and spending money on overpriced coffee. :3

Image of Angel Trach
Angel Trach

Hiiiiiiii~ I'm just some random girl from California that loves exploring and trying new things. My goal is to be able to travel and visit a lot of new places but for now I just want to spend quality time with friends, meet more people, and continue to explore new places and share fun experiences with everyone.

Image of Andy Chek
Andy Chek

I’m a 4th year CS major who has professional E-Board experience....but I know how to have fun too (no not just touching grass). I love some spontaneous quality conversations over food/drinks, but I also like binge-watching shows in a burrito blanket. I'm also in Prism, Drexel's K-Pop dance team.

Image of Andrew Bui
Andrew Bui

I’m a 4th year CS major with a math minor and an asian studies minor. I’m always down to try new things and have a good time, so I sometimes throw caution to the wind. However, I still try to maintain a balance of academics and staying social.

Image of Albert Leung
Albert Leung

I would say I’m pretty chill and a down-to-earth person. I'm passionate about what I like to do and I'm goal-driven about anything I take on. I take my work seriously, but also love going out (you'll find me in Chinatown or a rave), going to the gym, and keeping myself busy with hobbies.

Image of Alan Zheng
Alan Zheng

Hey, I’m Alan and I am a Philly native. I might not exactly be the one to initiate conversations but I would love to get to know you. I’m a pretty out doors person but also play games occasionally. If you see me, feel free to say hi.

Image of Alain Nguyen
Alain Nguyen

I am 6'. I finally been able to poop once a day, but i want to try to poop twice a day. Sometimes I get sleep paralysis if I lay on my back. I like to look a furniture.

Image of Abbas Mirza
Abbas Mirza

I am always willing to learn something new and explore somewhere new. I'd consider myself an introvert but I think lately I'd like to think myself more an ambivert. Biggest cat lover you will ever meet I always carry cat food around in my bag I'll prove it.


Image of Yi Huan Yang
Yi Huan Yang

I love meeting new people and learning about other cultures along the way, especially through food. I prefer talking face to face over texting, but it is draining as I have a really limited social battery. I enjoy the city for the most part because urban visuals just have my heart but given the chance, I would definitely travel more to experience new things. I’ve recently been getting into hiking and rock climbing (indoors). I haven't been outside of America so it’s always eye opening to hear about the culture and landscapes of other places.

Image of Vincent Lam
Vincent Lam

I am a computer engineer that enjoys reading manga, playing videos, snowboarding, and lifting.

Image of Vincent Nguyen
Vincent Nguyen

I'm a little shy and I have trouble describing myself (like now). However, I'm confident and I like to have fun. I am someone who likes staying in and having fun at home.

Image of Vidhi Shah
Vidhi Shah

I like socialising and meeting new people. I love doing sports (racquet sports especially), and listening to music (I love afrobeats and Indian music). I have been part of many work experience programs so I have had experiences in the professional field I want to be in. I love playing ras garba and I totally enjoy the process of getting ready for any social functions

Image of Vedita Choudhary
Vedita Choudhary

I honestly ponder over this question of 'Who Am I?' a lot. I am surely one of those who will rather watch a documentary than a movie, buy a book than clothes and sit inside and read than going out. According to my friends I am pretty much of a 'cool nerd' who is constantly driven by the force of doing something great. My mind is full of questions, I am trying to find answers to, filled with dreams I am working on to turn into reality. My equation of life may not be as simple as y=x but it is surely not as complicated as schrodinger"S wave equation. I like researching a lot and in the fancy of that I dug deep in an attempt to find the answer to who I am and I found an answer beyond ordinary. The philosophy of Alan Watts evoked a realization in me that I am not just a subject of any category but I contain the entire universe inside my skull. Without my power to perceive this universe becomes irrelevant. I am conscious of my power to manifest my imagination, to create life changing technologies that ease life and provide room for new possibilities. I can go on and on but your reading capacity won't cooperate.

Image of Tiffany Khuu
Tiffany Khuu

I'd describe myself as someone who is open-minded, adaptable, and eager to learn new things. I also strive to educate myself on social and cultural issues. I like to say that I'm pretty academically able and am goal-oriented.

Image of Steven Nguyen
Steven Nguyen

I am from Glen Mills, PA, which is around 45 minutes from the campus. I came into Drexel because of its excellent co-op and computing program, being in the city of Philadelphia, and navigating an urban campus. I joined SASE because I want to connect with club members of similar backgrounds, prepare for my future classes and co-ops, and have fun! Besides SASE, I am also a member of ASA, JUSA, and a couple of CCI clubs. A fun fact about myself is I took Taekwondo from sixth through ninth grade and got a first-degree black belt.

Image of Stanley Gian
Stanley Gian

I'm just a freshman looking forward to my college years and figuring out the rest of my life. I don't have any real plans for the future, so I'm just living life in the moment for now. I'm "gifted" and pretty smart academically, but I don't have the best street smarts. I'm pretty introverted and it's hard for me to be around large groups, but I'd like to change that (gradually).

Image of Sindhu Raghava
Sindhu Raghava

I am a freshman at Drexel majoring in business while on the premed track. I’m from California and I love the beach! I also read and watch a lot of tv as well as swim.

Image of Shannon Shih
Shannon Shih

Hi everyone! I’m Shannon a freshman majoring in BME. My ethnicity is Taiwanese and I’m from suburban Philly. I’m a huge foodie so please let me know if anyone has recommendations! I love listening to all kinds of music and watching dramas. My MBTI is ESFJ and I’m always open to making new friends :)

Image of Sanjana Gunda
Sanjana Gunda

Hi, I'm Sanjana! I'm a goal oriented person, but I love having fun when I can. Additionally, while I can appear introverted and shy, I love interacting with new people to a large extent.

Image of Ricky Chen
Ricky Chen

A Chinese-American with a pretty traditional Chinese background. I am open to try new food and activities because I am curious by nature but also I have been living under a rock for a while. I'm an eager learner by heart, and engineering is my passion. I spent my whole summer studying and tinkering with electronics while watching anime. I do self-care like skin care and fashion, but I am still working on my fashion sense.

Image of Richmond Nguyen
Richmond Nguyen

I'd say I'm spontaneous and always down to do something new. There's many spots around Philly I haven't been to that I would like to visit. My hobbies are games and coding.

Image of Rachael Tang
Rachael Tang

I'm a very introverted person but once you're able to get to know me a bit better I do lots of random things and I'm more outgoing.

Image of Phong Nguyen
Phong Nguyen

Hater of All Non-STEM Coursework. Chill with everything and everyone else. I believe that everyone is equal, except some are more equal than others.

Image of Olivia Do
Olivia Do

Hi! I’m Olivia and I’m a freshman. I’m Vietnamese, I love boba (thai tea best flavor), I love to play volleyball, running, listening to music (I like niki, keshi, 88rising, but also listen to anything, music taste is everywhere), I love animals and cute things, also love coffee and oat milk, I’m a big foodie and like to explore restaurants/cafes

Image of Miya Has
Miya Has

Hi, I'm Miya! ^_^ I use ,she/they. My name is pronounced like "Mia" but with a "ya" sound at the end. My favorite buddy is Gilbert, my (stuffed) penguin. My sleep schedule sucks so I'm tired all of the time.

Image of Marcela Joanna Siahaan
Marcela Joanna Siahaan

Hi! My name is Marcela. I am a Philadelphia Native! I went to Central High School (281). I'm Indonesian/Chinese and I'm turning 19 in October. I love listening to music, baking, reading, and skating! I tend to be more on the shy and quiet side at first, but after getting comfortable, I'll be more open.

Image of Madelyn Li
Madelyn Li

i like having a lot of cute and colorful decorations on all of my stuff, having the freedom to explore buildings and cities and see pretty views, and listening to people talk

Image of Lawrence Ganaban
Lawrence Ganaban

I'm the type of person who likes to keep myself busy throughout most of the day, whether it be studying, hanging out with friends, or just walking around campus. In addition, I like keeping organized in what I do. I enjoy working as a team on stuff, whether it's classwork or outside of school, in addition to me being a competitive person.

Image of Kyle Vong
Kyle Vong

I have lived in South Philadelphia my entire life, I played basketball growing up, as of now I like to spend time hanging with friends and going to the gym

Image of Keith Truongcao
Keith Truongcao

Hello I am Keith Truongcao! As has already been said on this form, I am an ECE, electrical is my bachelor's and computer engineering is my master's degree. I have an interest in combining hardware and software together with machine learning and making projects and robots that can help people who need them. I also very much enjoy talking to people and I love learning a lot of things that are outside of school (college stinks :/). I like watching anime, reading manga, and playing video games..... like a typical engineering student.

Image of Katie Wu
Katie Wu

I'm a sophomore majoring in CS. A hobby I enjoy is baking! I've baked custdard pudding, breads, and buns. Generally, I read a lot of manhwa and webnovels (I've even developed a spreadsheet). Some games I play are Genshin and Minecraft. Music wise, I listen to many Chinese, Japanese, and Korean songs. Overall, I am rather reserved and take some time to warm up to people. However, I most definitely want to meet new people and make new friends.

Image of Justin Gu
Justin Gu

Hello I'm Justin, I'm from mainland China and currently majoring in computer science at Drexel. People think that I am hard to approach, but don't let that get to you. I am always down to have a conversation! Also, I am terrible at texting people so I apologize in advance.

Image of Joy Wong
Joy Wong

I may look calm and collected on the outside but my mind is actually going over 100mph and most likely overthinking about something. An introvert to the world but I can be the most annoying person ever with friends. Sometimes I get random bursts of energy that makes me feel like I can do anything and other times I will simply rot in bed and do nothing. However I love spontaneity and am down to try anything at least once :)) INTJ

Image of Josh Kuk
Josh Kuk

I like to say that I don't know much about myself because I really do not know

Image of Jonathan Ye
Jonathan Ye

Hello. I am a first-year student majoring computer science. Some of my favorite hobbies are reading, playing video games, soccer, and cooking. I am usually self-reserved and tend to keep to myself, but I usually open myself up better after we talk and get to know each other.

Image of Jolin Jiang
Jolin Jiang

My name is Jolin Jiang and I'm a CS freshman from manhattan NYC. My ethnicity is Chinese (Fuzhounese specifically) and I can speak mandarin. I'm a bit of an introvert (INFJ). I like meeting new people but I'm just not really good at it. My favorite color is pink and my interests are east asian music (kpop, cpop, jpop, etc...)and genshin. I main Xiao and have been playing since early game! My favorite cereal is corn pop and I put milk first just because it's crunchier.

Image of Joel Abraham
Joel Abraham

Yahallo! The name’s Joel and uhhh there not much too it. I’m either pretty quiet or absolutely unhinged, or so I’ve been told. It’s up to you to figure that out. My personality mostly consists of being sleep deprived having cats or playing volleyball

Image of Jo Ou
Jo Ou

I would like to state I never actually thought that deeply about how I would describe myself till now. So, this going to be fascinating for both me and whoever reading this. I would first describe myself being artistic since I often doodle on the side of my notebook when taking notes in class. In other cases, I may consider myself too determined even when the odds are stacked against me. So, I would say I am pretty tolerable with humiliating defeats, but I still continue to hype up myself that one day I will see glory.

Image of Hitashi Kalra
Hitashi Kalra

I am a social butterfly who can talk to anyone over anything fearlessly. I am a family person who is taking to parents for three hours straight even in college. I am ambitious and motivated but sometimes I drown away my thoughts but then get back after watching a romantic movie.

Image of Heather Yuen
Heather Yuen

Contrary to popular belief, I am not scary and I do touch grass! I would say that I am pretty quiet, and shy, but I do open up as I get to know you more. I’m a sophomore studying computer science, and you’ll probably find me stressing over school work quite often. Other than school, I can probably be found listening to music. Once my head fully heals from my trip to the ER (literally the second day I was on campus this year), you can probably find me playing tennis again!

Image of Francis Nguyen
Francis Nguyen

I'm a freshie + commuter student from South Philly. I'm also a personal cheerleader for my friends and family.

Image of Fei Young
Fei Young

As an introvert, I enjoy spending a lot of time in my head. I am a huge fan of fiction, whether that is movies, books, or daydreams. My love for fiction led to my affinity for literature and writing! One of my favorite things to do is plot and talk about my writing (I'm sorry to the one friend who gets to hear all about it). But while I do love my solitude, quality time with family and friends never hurt anyone. I am open to all friendships and don't mind trying new things, and I hope that with SASE I can form lasting connections!

Image of Evan Yan
Evan Yan

like to code

Image of Emmanuelle Jawn Lisondra
Emmanuelle Jawn Lisondra

I'm Emmanuelle (they/them), but you could either call me Em or Noelle for short! I'm an international student from the Philippines, so a lot of the American Experience(tm) is still new to me. Not sure what else to add here, so have some fun facts: I have 7 dogs back home, my Hogwarts house is Ravenclaw (I've actually never seen Harry Potter), and my MBTI is XNFP (the introvert/extrovert result changes every time I take it).

Image of Edric Tang
Edric Tang

I am a 6'1 Asian male with glasses who is a STEM major. I like exploring the city and love trying new places to eat to look for good food. If I am not working on schoolwork, I would play games (mostly CS:GO, some Valorant, always down for Minecraft). I also like meeting new people and hanging out.

Image of Clara Shao
Clara Shao

I’m optimistic and I like to laugh a lot when spending time with people. I like working out and doing ballroom dancing, so I consider myself to be an active person as well.

Image of Christopher Nhu
Christopher Nhu

my name is chris nhu and i am half chinese and half viet :) i can speak english, canto, and mando! i’m a pretty relaxed guy, and i enjoy to skateboard, do tricks with my (fake) butterfly knives. i’m also currently pledging with Alpha Epsilon Pi, and i’m a freshman that lives in ucross.

Image of Charles Wu
Charles Wu

I'm an international student from Brazil, but my ethnicity is fully Chinese. My parents immigrated to Brazil before I was born so I grew up there. A few qualities about me are that I am a pretty positive person, self-motivated, and career-oriented. A weakness of my person it’s that I’m stubborn, however I see it also as a quality because that motivates me to work hard for what i want

Image of Caroline Vo
Caroline Vo

I am decently extroverted and enjoying playing minecraft. I have been told I have an intimidating appearance but once you get past that I am a pretty chill gal. In the future as a side thing I want to combine my love for fashion and comp sci together to make cool things.

Image of Carlson Elican
Carlson Elican

Heyo! My name is Carlson Elican. I got my name because my Dad's name is Carl and it was sadly his turn to name the next child in my family. I am both Filipino and Chinese, so if you want a nice homemade Asian fusion meal, hit me up. I love to play the piano, draw, and play video games, but recently I've been trying to get into digital art. I hope that I get to make a lot of friends in my time in college :D

Image of Brian Ngov
Brian Ngov

I am a relatively relaxed and calm dude that tends to go with the flow. Love eating good food!

Image of Ben Phung
Ben Phung

I'm quite introverted and have anxiety meeting new people. However, I am willing to improve myself.

Image of Athela Grace Villaruel
Athela Grace Villaruel

I am a short girl who laughs easily and is friendly to people. I can be a bit shy but I'm usually excited when meeting new people. I am terrible with directions, so I get lost easily. Also, I forget things if I don't write it down somewhere. I am saying this, because if we meet up, I will most likely need help finding my way and remembering the day. I am sorry in advance.

Image of Arijit Chakma
Arijit Chakma

Hey, I am an international freshman and I love watching anime, netflix etc.

Image of Ansh Kapoor
Ansh Kapoor

A person who is not just confident and responsible but also a visionary, motivator , positive , committed and passionate is me ,Ansh Kapoor. I possess a great interest in co curricular activities besides being pro-efficient in my studies. I am easy going and approachable but at the same time I am an old school boy when it comes to discipline. I am a keen learner who never misses an opportunity to hone his skills

Image of Anish Roy
Anish Roy

Hi, my name's Anish. I'm normally a goofy dude who messes around and cracks really dumb jokes that are sure to annoy most. I don't take myself too seriously. I like chilling out and talking about whatever comes to mind. I can be serious when need be, but that should probably be more often.

Image of Andrew Zhang
Andrew Zhang

Overall, I think I am a decently hard-working person. College has definitely humbled me when its comes to time management so I am currently working on that. I was a student at Central High School, which isn't too far from Drexel so I am pretty familiar with the city.

Image of Andrew Wang
Andrew Wang

I may seem introverted at first, but if you get to know me I can become very outgoing. I like to think I am kind and friendly. I enjoy playing video games (mainly FPS), watching football and basketball, and learning new things. I try to be very organized but I tend to procrastinate too much so you'll catch me doing all my work on the day its due.

Image of Amanda Chao
Amanda Chao

I'm a bit introverted at first but once I'm more comfortable I can be sort of chaotic. I can be fairly fidgety when I'm nervous. When it comes to getting to know people sometimes I ask for music recommendations so I can get to know people better. Oh I also have a pretty big sweet tooth. I'm always down to get snacks : ))

Image of Alan Wang
Alan Wang

If I were to describe myself I would say that I am very curious person and very interested in new things whether that would be academically or socially. I do not like a stagnant environment and enjoy the changes life throws at me.

Image of Ada Mac
Ada Mac

I'm pretty reliable and easygoing. I like meeting new people although I'm a bit of an introvert. I would say I'm hardworking but I do get unmotivated easily.

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

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