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Ansh Kapoor

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Mechanical engineering


A person who is not just confident and responsible but also a visionary, motivator , positive , committed and passionate is me ,Ansh Kapoor. I possess a great interest in co curricular activities besides being pro-efficient in my studies. I am easy going and approachable but at the same time I am an old school boy when it comes to discipline. I am a keen learner who never misses an opportunity to hone his skills

Career Goals

Designing sleek solutions, imagining possibilities for refinement and applying logical deduction, the vast scope of science stimulates my intellectual appetite.


Looking For

The one who motivates everyone. He/ she should strive to do his/her utmost in each and every situation and would set a good benchmark for others to follow.

Ansh Kapoor

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

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