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Andrew Wang

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering


I may seem introverted at first, but if you get to know me I can become very outgoing. I like to think I am kind and friendly. I enjoy playing video games (mainly FPS), watching football and basketball, and learning new things. I try to be very organized but I tend to procrastinate too much so you’ll catch me doing all my work on the day its due.

Career Goals

I want to graduate and enter the engineering field with the opportunity to build complex and fascinating things. I have a high interest in robotics as well as automotive vehicles. But I do want to eventually retire early and spend time enjoying life.



Looking For

Someone who is willing to put up with the random Drexel questions I will have. I’d prefer someone who has done a co-op in my major, but I am not picky. Someone who is prob more outgoing than me since I am pretty shy. Study buddy maybe?

Andrew Wang

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