- Year: Freshman
- Major: Electrical engineering and cybersecurity
I honestly ponder over this question of ‘Who Am I?’ a lot. I am surely one of those who will rather watch a documentary than a movie, buy a book than clothes and sit inside and read than going out. According to my friends I am pretty much of a ‘cool nerd’ who is constantly driven by the force of doing something great. My mind is full of questions, I am trying to find answers to, filled with dreams I am working on to turn into reality. My equation of life may not be as simple as y=x but it is surely not as complicated as schrodinger”S wave equation. I like researching a lot and in the fancy of that I dug deep in an attempt to find the answer to who I am and I found an answer beyond ordinary. The philosophy of Alan Watts evoked a realization in me that I am not just a subject of any category but I contain the entire universe inside my skull. Without my power to perceive this universe becomes irrelevant. I am conscious of my power to manifest my imagination, to create life changing technologies that ease life and provide room for new possibilities. I can go on and on but your reading capacity won’t cooperate.
Career Goals
I aspire to be creating an empire of my own. How childish and overly optimistic that answer sounds right? Well, considering how unpredictable life is I cannot really give a concrete answer to this question but I surely aim to be creating a technology that eases life but not at the cost of harming the planet. A workspace where I can work on my passions of both engineering and technology while being the uncharge of it is my dream career.
Apart from tirelessly working towards my goal I don’t really find myself interested in something to be honest. However, something that is my peaceful escape is music. I can listen to it every hour that I am not focusing on work. It is my medication and building upon that I have served all these years as a vocalist. Well, my vocal journey is not limited to just singing and includes all forms of public speaking, debating and discussions. These skills have not only helped me reach some milestones but also shaped my opinions and perspective.
Looking For
Anyone who shares the same spirit of excelling as me. I really enjoy mindful discussions on enriching topics so, whoever would be interested in that because those makeup 90% of the conversations I have. I am not really seeking any help in something specific just an experienced individual who can help me navigate my path through college and career. Someone willing to invest their time in providing academic and professional guidance as well as exchanging ideas.