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Justin Gu

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Computer Science


Hello I’m Justin, I’m from mainland China and currently majoring in computer science at Drexel. People think that I am hard to approach, but don’t let that get to you. I am always down to have a conversation! Also, I am terrible at texting people so I apologize in advance.

Career Goals

I would definitely like to see myself as a software engineer that could work with different languages in the future. I also like to dedicate myself to side projects other than my day job.


I like to play games a lot, especially genshin. I’m relatively new to the game so some help would be appreciated!!! Besides games, I like to read mangas and watch lowtiergod on youtube.

Looking For

What I am looking for is someone who is down-to-earth, always willing to chill and relax. I’d prefer someone who is in the same field as me in terms of study, but I’m perfectly fine with others as well.

Justin Gu

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