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Ben Nguyen

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Computer Science


I am 2nd year majoring computer science. I love listening to music in my free time especially Kpop (If you need any girl group song recommendations I got you!). I also play a lot of games like League, Valorant and Genshin Impact. I might look very antisocial but once you get to know me, I will be more out going.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

The reason why I want to be a mentor is because I want to share my knowledge as someone who went through the classes and I want to tell the mentee about my experiences who they can prepare and not get lost on their track like how I did freshmen year.

Career Goals

My career goal is having my degree and work in a professional environment and to use what I learn from COOP programs and apply it to real life situation after my graduation. I also want to work at somewhere that is outside of philly because I want to explore.


Currently working as Data Scientist at PECO


I am interested in meeting more people and get along with them. I want to share each other hobbies because it is always fun to know people with same interests.

What to Expect From Me

I would love to teach my mentee with the knowledge that I know as well as making sure that my mentee feels comfortable adapting to college life because it is a brand new experience and it is always better to have someone guiding them. I believe that I fit to help the mentee because of my experience. They can always think of me as their personal TA and a close friend to reply on.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I am respect my mentee choice, but I hope that my mentee won’t just see me as a teacher who advise them but also a friend who they can rely on as they continue their path in Drexel.

Ben Nguyen

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

Template theme by Álvaro