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Hitashi Kalra

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Computer Science


I am a social butterfly who can talk to anyone over anything fearlessly. I am a family person who is taking to parents for three hours straight even in college. I am ambitious and motivated but sometimes I drown away my thoughts but then get back after watching a romantic movie.

Career Goals

My career goals revolve around being skilled and upright professionally in my job so that I can give my best input to receive better over the years.


My interest revolve around writing poetry as it help me to express my emotions. I read fictional books on and off. I also like to go on long walks.

Looking For

In a mentor, I look ahead to receive guidance in terms of academics like maintaining good GPA, resources and coops. I also would like to learn how my senior’s journey has been and would like to receive his feedbacks on helping me figure out.

Hitashi Kalra

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

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