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Vidhi Shah

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Economics and public health


I like socialising and meeting new people. I love doing sports (racquet sports especially), and listening to music (I love afrobeats and Indian music). I have been part of many work experience programs so I have had experiences in the professional field I want to be in. I love playing ras garba and I totally enjoy the process of getting ready for any social functions

Career Goals

Doing economis for 5 years now has made me realise that I love the finance and health side of economics so I plan on doing my masters in financial engineering or health economics. I personally look to target people with not the best fund management skills and help them do it better (help them one on one if I get into financial econ or through organisations if health economics)


I love doing sports and keeping fit. I usually spend my extra time doing racquet sports. Apart from this I enjoy watching movies and shows (I particularly love psychological/crime thrillers)

Looking For

From my mentor I look to gain/develop professional skills

Vidhi Shah

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

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