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Carlson Elican

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Computer Science


Heyo! My name is Carlson Elican. I got my name because my Dad’s name is Carl and it was sadly his turn to name the next child in my family. I am both Filipino and Chinese, so if you want a nice homemade Asian fusion meal, hit me up. I love to play the piano, draw, and play video games, but recently I’ve been trying to get into digital art. I hope that I get to make a lot of friends in my time in college :D

Career Goals

I am a Computer Science student, striving to be a future Software Engineer. My goal is to change the world in some way, be it big or small. I want to create and invent something new and leave my mark in the future.


I really enjoy talking and hanging out with people, both online and in person. I love to draw and play the piano. Although I am not that great in either, I love seeing myself improve and develop to something I call my own talent.

Looking For

Just looking for a friend at the end of the day, so I more casual if that makes sense?

Carlson Elican

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