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Asycurie Lombestova

  • Year: Senior
  • Major: Health Sciences


I am a pretty outgoing person who is down to do anything! I love eating out and going on mini adventures. I also really enjoy watching anime and spending money on overpriced coffee. :3

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I want to be a SASE Mentor because I think it is a good way to be involved with the community. I also want to be able to make more friends and be able to guide someone through any issues they have, school or life.

Career Goals

I currently plan on going to grad school for Computer Science and pursue a career in biotech.




I enjoy watching anime and putting together different types of outfits. I also love salmon. and sushi. and salmon sushi. <3

What to Expect From Me

I plan on mentoring my SASE Mentee by being someone who is able to listen to them, or even offer a perspective outside of their major. Because Health Sciences is not a common major for people in SASE, I want to be able to offer fresh perspectives while also developing a strong friendship with them.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I envision our relationship as a good friendship. I want them to be able talk to me about anything and be down to hang out together, but I also want to be able to help give them opportunities to grow – both professionally and in character. I’ve been on Eboard for both ASA and Sigmas, so I feel I can guide them and encourage them to pursue different leadership opportunities that may be presented to them. I want my Mentee to be able to talk to me when they are feeling down or happy.

Asycurie Lombestova

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