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Jacky Huang

  • Year: Senior
  • Major: Computer Science


Hey guys!! So today, we are introducing the Jacky Huang! I am from New Jersey so been in the Philly area for a bit of my life. I am curious about many things in life and am always down for nearly anything. Additionally, I love to travel! I also love learning about different languages and cultures. You might catch me at random places throughout campus, so don’t hesitate to say “Ayo?”

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I decided to be a SASE Mentor because I want to make my last year at Drexel a more impactful one. What better way to do so than to leave a legacy through this mentorship program. Being a mentor also allows me to find a lifelong friend.

Career Goals

For the near future, I plan to search for a software development position. However, I am interested in branching into other fields as well. Nonetheless, I want to find a career in which I can be flexible with my time. For now, I still am pretty much going with the flow. :3


Lockheed Martin, eMoney Advisor


Videogames, Traveling, Rock-Climbing, Photography, Biking, Dancing, FOOOD, Music: Kpop, Pop, K-R&B

What to Expect From Me

I plan to provide them advice on all that one needs to survive the adverse conditions of Drexel. I will help them professionally for co-op, tutor as needed academically, and show them how to enjoy Drexel to the fullest.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I am looking for a mentee that will be my lifelong friend and one where both of us can learn from the other. As always, we will strive to have a combination of professional, academic, and interpersonal relationships.

Jacky Huang

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