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Andrew Zhang

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Computer Science


Overall, I think I am a decently hard-working person. College has definitely humbled me when its comes to time management so I am currently working on that. I was a student at Central High School, which isn’t too far from Drexel so I am pretty familiar with the city.

Career Goals

Still a little unsure of which direction in CS I want to go, but software engineer/cybersec/datascience is what I’m looking into right now.


I enjoy going to the gym, math, playing video games (PC), learning cool skills, and doing a bit of side projects.

Looking For

Ideally, I want a mentor who took the same courses as I did so I can ask for advise or at least be forwarded to someone who can assist me. I would also prefer someone who can offer me cool opportunities that they might have found. I don’t really care about the professionalism. I just want someone who can help me succeed at Drexel.

Andrew Zhang

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