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Andrew Bui

  • Year: Junior
  • Major: Computer Science


I’m a 4th year CS major with a math minor and an asian studies minor. I’m always down to try new things and have a good time, so I sometimes throw caution to the wind. However, I still try to maintain a balance of academics and staying social.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I want to give back to the SASE community and help support the newer members during their college lives. I have much experience now that I am a 4th year, and I believe I can provide a lot of information both professionally and socially.

Career Goals

I want to get a master’s degree at some point. I would like to work in a full-stack position, possibly in cybersecurity. Working for myself in something would be a dream as well.


Lockheed Martin, Scoir


I play CS:GO for the Drexel team, and dance for the DKPC dance team as well. I am also interested in rock climbing, anime, keyboards, and other stuff I’m probably blanking on right now. I plan on traveling around the world as well.

What to Expect From Me

I plan to provide support as an upperclassman and as a friend to my mentee. If they have questions, I will try my best to answer them. When it comes to classes, co-op, or orgs, I have a lot of experience that I can work with. Especially as SASE’s prior professional director, I can provide professional advice. When it comes to life in general as well, I can act as a friend or a third party to any problems or concerns. Honestly though, I can be as present or as anonymous as my mentee wants me to be.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I see myself being a support pillar and friend to my mentee. I can answer questions or help them out when needed. Also, we can just hang out and get to know each other more.

Andrew Bui

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