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Christopher Wi

  • Year: Pre-Junior
  • Major: Engineering Technology


My name is Chris Wi, and I’m from Conshohocken, PA. My parents are from South Korea, but I can’t keep up a conversation in Korean :( If you see a 6’4” Asian on campus, there’s a 21.33% chance that it’s me!

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I would like to be a SASE mentor so that I can help someone who is starting out in college. From the many, and I mean MANY mistakes I have made in the past, there is no doubt that I have some good knowledge to pass along.

Career Goals

After graduation, I would like to work in renewable energy or electric vehicles. Helping the world transition to clean energy and transportation is what I want to do. Coal is bad, yo!




My biggest hobbies are cooking, music, anime, and video games. If I had to give a 40 minute TED talk about a topic with no preparation, I’d go with Destiny 2 the game. I can play the ukulele!

What to Expect From Me

They can always reach out if they need help with something or if they have a question. I want to be someone they can rely on. We can even hang out just to hang out! I know some good food spots here in Philly.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I want to have a buddy buddy relationship where my mentee can always come to me if they are bored or if they need someone to listen to them. God knows I needed someone like that my freshman year.

Christopher Wi

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