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Athela Grace Villaruel

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Computer Science


I am a short girl who laughs easily and is friendly to people. I can be a bit shy but I’m usually excited when meeting new people. I am terrible with directions, so I get lost easily. Also, I forget things if I don’t write it down somewhere. I am saying this, because if we meet up, I will most likely need help finding my way and remembering the day. I am sorry in advance.

Career Goals

I want to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in computer science and work in a tech company. The final goal is to be able to make enough money to retire early.


I like watching gaming videos on youtube and watching tv series on Netflix, especially k-dramas. I enjoy music of all forms. I was in orchestra, I enjoy karaoke, and I am always listening to music. My favorite genre is k-pop, but I also enjoy pop, alternative, and lofi music.

Looking For

I am looking for a mentor who will be a good, friendly guide for this org. Also, a person who I can ask about random Drexel and computer science stuff, if possible.

Athela Grace Villaruel

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