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Anish Roy

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: undeclared engineering


Hi, my name’s Anish. I’m normally a goofy dude who messes around and cracks really dumb jokes that are sure to annoy most. I don’t take myself too seriously. I like chilling out and talking about whatever comes to mind. I can be serious when need be, but that should probably be more often.

Career Goals

To be honest, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. I’m not sure if engineering is for me, but i still want to leave it on the table. I’m thinking about a wide range of stuff like computer science, cyber security, data science, but I’m really just open to try anything in arts and sciences as well.


I spend most of my time turning in late assignments, but besides that, I’m always listening to music, watching youtube, sometimes twitch, reading manga,

Looking For

I want advice from a mentor about what my best options are for exploring my career/major interests, since that’s my big thing I want to figure out. Also general school advice like strats to get the right classes or professors, making study groups, how viable switching majors is, declaring minors, etc.

Anish Roy

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