
Vinson Jiang

I am a chill and outgoing person that wants to try new things and find new experiences in life. I typically have a good laugh about everything and not take things seriously. I also like a good meme when I see one.

Tommy Bui Nguyen

I jump between being way too serious about life and being way too goofy.

Tia Lidowski

Hiii! My name is Tia and I'm a third-year software engineering major. I would consider myself an ambivert, but definitely more extroverted recently after being stuck at home for so long T_T. I love going out to explore the city, food spots, or other new places! I also generally like to keep myself busy with classes/work, clubs, or other random hobbies, and I'm always open to trying new things.

Tarana Ananna

Hi, my name is Tarana and I'm a second year studying Management Information Systems. I was born in Bangladesh and I live right outside of Philly! I'm a bit shy, quiet, and introverted, but I can talk nonstop about some topics. I'm also obsessed with cats.

Shirin Chong

My name is shirin.

Sabrina Meas

Hi! Hello! As seen in my profile, my name is Sabrina! I am Chinese-Cambodian - born in Philly but moved around a lot. I'm a pretty social and open person, and I enjoy spending time to get to know people whether it's a random conversation or a deep one. I'm also quite extroverted, so don't get scared if I decide to walk up to you to start a conversation, LOLL :)

Ryan Do

Positively, a seasoned veteran at getting rejected. Because no matter who says no, the next job will always come around. Jokes aside, I am a college student with many ambitions, be it voice acting, investing, and more. I can be a listening ear, a comrade to show your stuff to, or someone to chill with. I'm a jack of all-trades, just letting the river of life take me where I'm already headed.

Natasha Karnoto

I love going on adventures whether it is a spontaneous trip around the city or trying new food. People have often described me as bubbly too and my favorite saying is "ASAP no rocky hold the ferg"

Matthew Taing

I'm a junior studying Computer Science, who is still pretty active on campus. I'm currently on coop, but you'll find me around at student org events and around campus. I identify as an introvert, but I'm generally straight-forward and easy to talk to.

Luke Xu

Awesome dude, lots of energy, loves to chat, busy sometimes.

Linda Chen

I am introverted but I do like to socialize. I care a lot about friendships and would do anything in my power to help a friend out. I honestly like to hang out with others whether we are studying or just casually chatting.

Kevin Wu

When it comes to work, I like structure and routine. I'm here to get stuff done. But when it comes to play, I like to go on a whim and do something spontaneous and try new things, even if they sound like horrible ideas. I love meeting new people, especially from interesting/different backgrounds and cultures! I can basically switch from serious to fun, chatty to silent, awkward to...talkative (?). Forget horoscopes, I'm ENFP-A.

Kevin Liu

Casual, relaxed person with a long to-do list. I'm more on the introverted side, but I talk a lot to people that I'm closer with.

Kenn Chong

Hello everyone! My name is Kenn. I'm a 3rd year in Computer Science. I love cooking, video games, and exploring new areas in the cities! Other than that, I self identify myself as an ambivert, so I alternate between very social and very socially awkward at the same time :)

Katelyn Huong

Even though I'm basically 21 years old, I still act like a kid most of the time. I love meeting new people and can pretty chill. I do like to stay in and just watch anime for a couple of hours with a box of frosted flakes too. I love to learn, whether it's a game or how to tie a shoe, I'll definitely be interested. Also I like food, but then I can get serious food comas.

Jun Chen

I used to be pretty introverted, but I've become an ambivert over the pandemic. I consider myself to be pretty laid-back, but I love to cause chaotic energy everywhere I go. Fun fact- I once spent 70 dollars on Wagyu just to put it on a slice of Costco pizza.

Joshua Hwang

Some basic information about me is that I'm from Cupertino,California and I'm a second year student in CS. My favorite places to be is in the outdoors especially in nature preserves and beaches. I would describe myself as a mellow, outgoing, social person that finds joy in making close connections with people.

Jenny Tsui

Although I am an introvert, I try to push myself out of my comfort zone to be more social and talkative to others! I love doing spontaneous things, eating, and also having a night in. I'm super openminded so I am down to do anything (as long as it's not illegal)!

Jemine Poon

I'm energetic and friendly and I love getting to know people and really do like being a helping hand to others when the opportunity comes. I'm very passionate about many things, including music, cooking, talking about random interesting topics, life, and my faith. I like to keep my life organized a bit so that I know when I can take a break and relax, usually by watching a good show and eating some good food.

Jason Ngov

I'm Chinese-Cambodian and extremely passionate in building people and organizations in my community. I love experiencing new cultures and spend majority of my free time venturing through the city for new places to eat!

Jacqueline Guan

Hi, I'm Jackie and I'm a pre-junior studying Computer Science! I'm from the suburbs of Philly in a nice town called Horsham, PA. I love a good board game, paint night, or some good food! I'm pretty easygoing and I'm always down for an adventure!

Harshil Thakur

I am a sophomore majoring in Software Engineering and minoring in Technology Innovation Management. I like to have a balance between hanging out with friends and having my own time. I also like to travel and explore new places. I have been to many different countries and wish to continue when covid gets better.

Gavin Bromberg

I would identify, philosophically, as a utilitarian hedonistic transhumanist. I believe that life is all about maximizing happiness, and all resources in life should be in pursuit of that goal. Technology should be used to advance the human condition and stretch the notion of what it means to be so.

Frank Yang

I constantly make jokes that are not funny and in perpetual torment from school. I push my sleep schedule to hang out with friends for movies, video games, and talking about nonsense.

Francis Virtucio

I am a lighthearted, goofy, and ambitious guy that loves to do just about anything! I've been told that my social battery has no upper bound; so if you want to hang out at any time of day (and maybe see me embarrass myself), come say hi!

Dylan Luong

I am someone who continuously looks for new avenues towards self-improvement. I feel like I am naturally more reserved, but once you get to know me, I start to show my more fun, carefree side. I am ambitious, reliable, and a little silly here and there.

David Ahn

Hey! I'm David and I'm a third year computer science major. I would consider myself an introvert but once I get to know people, I open up fairly quick (the intro is always the awkward part). If you wanna chill and nerd out about anime or something, hit me up.

Darian Shi

I think I'm a pretty authentic and down-to-earth person, but also definitely very analytical and goal-oriented. I really like to focus on being self-actualizing and constantly improving/growing. I generally like to plan a lot, but also see the value in being spontaneous!

Caroline Wang

I am originally from Northern California. I am more on the introverted side, but I would say I am nice and friendly, and I am always open to talk, especially after getting to know someone, and meet new people. I like reading and playing with my dog, golden doodle.

Brian Lau

I am a pretty extroverted person, someone who likes to go to events when he can, and takes lead when need to for things to get done.

Brandon Ng

Down to earth and always up to try new things. I play Valorant and League, but have a never ending list of hobbies.

Becky Jiang

I live by the motto "Work hard, play hard" and try to make the most of both my professional and personal experiences. As an ENTJ, I enjoy getting to know people and their stories, maintain a balance between school, work and social life, and am passionate about continuous learning and improvement.

Azra Gallano

I'm a Filipino girl from the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, am halfway between extroverted and introverted. I am unafraid to try new things! I love fashion, making obscure references, and telling dad jokes. Also- SASE president Jackie Guan was one of the first friends I made at Drexel :)

Asycurie Lombestova

I love meeting and getting to know new people. I spend my free time by spending too much money on food and watching tiktoks.

Asia Williams

I would say I'm pretty detailed oriented, light hearted but I can be serious if needed to be...I would also say I'm a pretty good listener, diligent, and I have a good sense of humor. Otherwise I'm unsure how else I would describe myself

Angel Trach

Wassuppp, my name is Angel and I'm from the Bay Area in California. Though I tend to seem more introverted and shy at first, I am very warm and friendly once you get to know me. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT SCARY AT ALL. I love to just do whatever interests me without any detailed plans and I love to explore. If you're down to build or try something new, hit me up because I'm always down. Oh, and I'm always down for coffee or food dates :))))

Andy Chek

Hi everyone I'm Andy!! I'm an extroverted person trying to make the most of his time before being thrown out into the real world after graduation. I'm always down for spontaneous adventures and opportunities to explore. Big foodie? Me too! Ready to hangout and/or get boba at all times.

Andrew Bui

I'm a pretty big nerd, but I like to think I have a social life. When I need to be, I am hardworking and focused. However, I am a somewhat outgoing person who likes to relax and have a fun time as well.

Andrea Eleazar

I'm a quiet and adventurous introvert who likes to stay in and play games on my Switch, watch anime while eating mangoes, or decorate my planner; you might also find me on walks catching Pokemon or grabbing boba with friends. I'm studious, passionate about learning, and an orch dork, so school-life balance is a constant work in progress. Always in some type of crisis because I'm indecisive and a ~certified overthinker~. Though I'm a bit awkward and reserved, I'm pretty chill and enjoy good memes.

Allen Cai

I contain multitudes. I'm a huge nerd that loves manga and video games and can be really introverted and quiet at times, but I'm also a retired male gymnast that hits the gym regularly, and can be super loud and energetic when around people I'm comfortable with. I'm also *really* good at card games and can teach you a lot of them.

Albert Leung

I'm a pretty chill person and spend most of my free time doing hobbies. I'm a pretty social person and love to go out, but also need some time to stay indoors to relax. I'm also always down to try new stuff (besides vegetables).

Alan Zheng

Hello, I love to make new friends and connections. My hobbies mostly consists of group activities and I'm mostly an outdoors person.

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