David Ahn

  • Year: Pre-Junior
  • Major: Computer Science


Hey! I’m David and I’m a third year computer science major. I would consider myself an introvert but once I get to know people, I open up fairly quick (the intro is always the awkward part). If you wanna chill and nerd out about anime or something, hit me up.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I’m a third year so at this point, I’d like to think I know a little something about life at Drexel.

Career Goals

Working as a software engineer is probably my goal after graduation, but long term, I’d love to be a game developer. My dream job is to work for Nintendo and be able to work on games that give people the sense of wonder I experienced as a kid.


Cyber Monitoring at Brown Brothers Harriman


Video games, anime, Twitch/YouTube, pro wrestling, comics, honestly like way too many things. Recently got into skateboarding (I’m complete trash) and fashion.

What to Expect From Me

I am available for any of your questions regarding academics, co-op, maybe even life stuff. Now whether or not I will be able to adequately answer those questions is up for debate. Either way, I will try and bestow my experience upon them.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I envision my relationship with my mentee as a friendship. I want to be able to answer any questions they have regarding academics or co-ops with the experience that I have.

David Ahn

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