
Zhuoxi Ke

My name is Zhuoxi (Joyce ) and I like to draw during my free-time (basically my entire personality). I’m an introvert (ISFP) and I like the color pink :)

Yun Seo(Jacob) Hur

Hello! My name is Yun Seo Hur but you can just call me by my English name Jacob. I am a sophomore following the pre-med track as a chemistry major in Drexel University. My goal is to become a surgeon in the future. I am the oldest of three siblings and was born in South Korea (Cool fact- my baby sister is only 4 years old). I love staying active and like to play almost all sports. I also like to listen/play music in my free time. Although I might be a little bit shy at first, I love meeting and making new friends. I enjoy hanging out with friends a lot and consider those times to be very valuable. I am looking to meet many new people from SASE and hope that I get to make a lot of friends.

Yoobin Chu

Hi, I'm Yoobin. I'm from the Bronx, NY. I'm a freshman at Drexel, but I'm commuting (live about 10 minutes away). In my spare time I like to play and watch basketball, take my dog to the park, rewatch Marvel movies, listen to music (Kanye, Kendrick, Miguel, Mac Miller, etc.).

Xin Yang

i'm sarcastic to the point of being crass but not to strangers. aroace, she/her

Terie Ha

I'd like to think I'm pretty outgoing and I always enjoy meeting new people and making friends! I've been in Philly my whole life, but I'm still not well-versed in all the best places to visit, so I'm always down to explore the city! I also love dogs.

Steven Shannon

I'm a freshman majoring in CS. I'm a bit shy and reserved when meeting new people, but I gradually become comfortable and open up. Recently, I've been into watching shows and playing games. I used to play the violin and would love to pick it up again and relearn it. I would describe myself as an ambivert because I love going out with friends. One thing I'd like to do is try all the food nearby and visit Chinatown. Academically, I strive to do well in my classes.

Sophia Chen

I'm pretty laid-back and easygoing, but I always try my best in everything that I do. I can be anxious and awkward, but I'm friendly and easy to get along with. I try to be outgoing, despite my introversion. A little spontaneity makes life a little more fun, and I think that being open to other people and trying new things usually makes for a good time. We're all just people, living our lives :). A healthy mix of procrastination and perfectionism is my enemy ^^;;;

Shan Chen

I am a freshman majoring in Biomedical Engineering! I can be pretty reserved when you first meet me but I will open up overtime. I really enjoy eating out, especially at cafes, so if you ever need any cafe recommendations I gotchuu.

Sawda Sarah

I'm a first generation south asian-american drexel student. I love going to concerts and exploring the city with my friends.

Ryen Ling

Hi, my name is Ryen Ling. I am a freshman studying Computer Science and look forward to getting to know you. I originally come from Chester County, PA and am always willing to explore someplace new. I am an academically driven person, striving to do the best I can in classes, but I know the importance of balancing my life with some fun. I always try to make time for activities with friends and am always interested in trying new things.

Nicolo Agbayani

Hi, my name is Nicolo. I am pretty chill and get along well with most people. While I would consider myself to be introverted in public, I'm pretty talkative around my friends. I love to stay organized and help people out, so if you ever need help for a class I'll do my best to lend you a hand. In my free time, I like to play video games and learn new stuff. Right now I'm trying to learn how to draw, so hopefully it goes well!

Ned Elshafi

Overall, I would say I'm attempting to be organized and pretty social, and as a half-Asian I enjoy getting in touch with this side of identity/having an accepting community.

Nawshin Ahmed

I might not be tall enough to be a model but my confidence and charisma definitely adds a foot or two.

Minghui Li

I am a very lost college student. I am the first in my family to go to Drexel. I am a first-generation Chinese immigrant who came to Philly. I had always operated within my comfort zone, but I have started to expand that zone. Since quarantine, I am more open to trying out new things and meet new people.

Michelle Le

Hi, I'm Michelle and I'm currently a freshman! At first impressions, I can be pretty quiet/introverted but once you get close to me, I have a habit of not shutting up about random things. I love cats a little too much. In my spare time, I'm always talking with friends or crying over anime for no reason.

Madhav Chopra

I am mostly on the introvert side. it is one of the limitations of me in a certain sense because my networking is a bit affected by it. But I really like to dig deep because of it so it is a strength too. I really love to do things with passion and I cannot do those things which I'm not passionate about. I believe in living the life not just passing it. I'm a Harry Potter fan, I also love to read books specifically Shakespeare, and I also like to write about my life and some issues in general.

Lucas Duong

I'm a freshman who lives right outside of Philly, but I live in Millennium Hall right now. As for my background, I'm Vietnamese and know how to speak, but not how to read or write. I'm a bit of a procrastinator, as you can see by when I submitted this form. I'd say I'm pretty easy to get along with if we have common interests. Though, I'm a bit shy until I meet you and get comfortable around you. I'm passionate about the things I enjoy and I just like to live life to the fullest.

Kiki Lin

Hi! I'm here to have fun! I would say I'm pretty spontaneous (when not stacked with work) and I don't usually worry a lot about the small things, just flowing with life. While I personally think that I am a little more introverted, the 16Personalities test did not think so; giving me a ESFP-A. I'm open minded and willing to try new things :) hit me up

Kevin Tan

Hello, my name is Kevin, i'm a 1st year majoring in CS, and I'm from New York. I would say that I am a chill person and i like relaxing, watching shows and playing games etc. I used to be bit introverted, but I think I'm starting to grow out of that shell and I've been making good progress.

Kenny Quang

I am kind and friendly, and someone that is willing to explore new interests/things even though I spend most of my time being lazy. At first I'm a little introverted but can open up to new people quickly.

Kacy Gao

I’m a fun and interesting person, I promise. I’m a fan of exploring the city, and I’ve gotten lost a few times following historical tours (but I do know some good spots now. Come with me if you’d like to have boba and listen to live jazz in Old City). I say I like archery, but it’s been a year since I’ve shot a bow and it hurts that the only archery range in the city isn’t offering open range yet. Maybe one of these days…

Julie Jeon

Hi I'm Julie! I'm a first year majoring in Health Science and I'm from California so I have no idea where anything is. I may come off as shy but I like to think I am pretty outgoing when I become more comfortable. But I am insanely camera shy so most of the photos I have come out blurry.

Joyce Jiang

I am a freshman at drexel and I major in nursing. I like listening to kpop and dying my hair to destress. I really like fruit teas :) and eating desserts.

Joel Abraham

I’m rather quiet, persistent as hell when I’m actually interested in something, efficient (lazy), just really interested in science and the application of it.

Joe Zeng

I'm really bad at public speaking/presenting. I may come off as overbearing so I apologize in advance for that

Jiejun Hou

Hello, My name is Jiejun, just my Chinese name translated. I was born in the Southern part of China, near Guangzhou. My Cantonese is terrible but my listening is better than my speaking. I enjoy subjects like math and history over reading and writing. I went to Northeast High School in Philadelphia. Been in Philly for the past 15 years :) I see myself as more introverted than extroverted.

Jian Rong Tan

I enjoy doing outdoor activities such as playing tennis, running, and exploring the parks. When I am not outside I enjoy playing games, watching kdrama and anime. I'm currently on coop so any activity would be later during the week days.

Jia Zheng

Hi my name is Jia! I'm third year Supply Chain Management major. I love going out and exploring new things, but are also chill to stay in and watch a movie.

Jenny Wen

I'm a pretty shy person around people I don't really know that well. However, I think I'm pretty sociable one I get to know others and around people I'm comfortable around.

Jennifer Wong

I'm pretty quiet and chill for the most part. I wanna say that I'm friendly to everyone. I'm always down to travel to new places. Being spontaneous is fine with me. And I love food :)

Javis George

Hi my name is Javis George. I am fairly introverted and quiet in person, but once I get to know a person I open up more. I would describe myself as a gamer but I tend to focus on one game at a time.

Jason Le

I am an international student from Vietnam. I am really easy-going and get along well with everyone. I am an active person; I play soccer and a bit volleyball. I am always down for a game night or for travelling haha. My favorite country to go to is Germany, and I am learning German right now!

Jae Lee

Hi, I'm Jae. I'm pretty chill and like to do nothing. I'm a first-generation Korean, I like food, sleeping, and music. Not too sure how to describe myself, but having another friend I could talk too would be cool.

Jackson Xu

I enjoying gaming and doing athletic activity like running and wrestling, but I got tier 76 arthritis so I get tired walking up stairs. I have random burst of energy so I can be crazy or extremely sleepy. I also work at Chipotle

Isha Kothari

I'm a bit of an introvert but once I get to know someone I can open up to them easily. I love to learn about new things and I'm very open-minded. I'm not sure what else to say about myself but I would consider myself easy to talk to and chill!

Hung Hy & Emily Gian

We are a very chill team, if you pick us, we can guarantee you that we will always be there for you whenever you need TWO FRIENDS. We have a package of a VALORANT and LEAGUE OF LEGENDS Pro if you play video games. We also at 13 in card if you know what that is(PRO CARDS PLAYER). We can also emotionally build your character stronger. Pick us for a smart and caring mentees.

Harsha Sureshbabu

I'm a sophomore. I was born in India but lived in the US for the last 8ish years. I like meeting new people and discovering new things. I'm a pretty chill dude who loves to socialize.

Harmony Do

I don't talk too much at first meetings but I don't mind lively conversation or people who talk a lot; I like high-energy settings! I always want to go out and have fun with friends but I also like my personal space to tend to my hobbies. I like to go at my own pace. I'm pretty sarcastic, but I know that doesn't read well a lot, which is why I can seem quiet at first. Sometimes I'm chill, but I can be spontaneous.

Hari Lal

I am an international student from Karachi, Pakistan who is also first generation college student. This has been my first time coming to the USA. However, I never felt overwhelmed as I was aware of the culture of the USA.

Farah Pavri

I am the first in my family to go to college in the US. I have worked on many engineering projects through school (which include a cardboard boat, cardboard chair, balsa wood tower, and high-speed rail train which was built with foam and magnetics, along with other things). I have many pets and enjoy hanging out with friends.

Dora Su

I'm from Taiwan and this is my second year in Drexel and fifth year in the US. Besides school work I'm also very interested in playing guitar!

David Lu

Hi my name is David and I am a freshman majoring in Computer Science. A fun fact about me is that I like to eat my burrito inside out, meaning I like to dump the inside of the burrito and eat it first. I also like my dog Lulu :).

Dangkhoa Nguyen

Hi! My name is Dangkhoa, and I am a freshmen majoring in computer science. I consider myself introverted and I can get really shy when meeting new people! I apologize ahead of time if I seem cold or awkward around you, I don't mean to.

Courtney Trinh

I am a hard worker and I am consistent with the routine I make for myself. But I am also a slow learner which sometimes makes me shy away from trying new things.

Christopher Wi

Hello! My name is Chris Wi. I am a Sophomore Electrical Engineering major currently in a co-op with NAVSEA. I am looking forward to learning so much in the next couple of months. I don't know yet what I want to focus on, so I am just trying different things out and seeing what sticks. I really like talking to people and getting to know them, but the hard part for me is introducing myself to others.

Billy Liu

I am a person that is engaged.

Audrey Go

A generally low-energy person, but always down to hang out and get snacks.

Anthony Huu Hoang

I am a quiet person around strangers but once warmed up I am very sociable. I really like hoodies and having fun but if I have work that needs to get done I like to efficiently do the work as soon as possible.

Andy Nguyen

Hello, my name is Andy Nguyen and my pronouns are he/him/his. My application is already a good starting point of who I 'am as a person. So, I'll say the things, not on the application. I'm treasurer for DragonsRun, chess player for the Drexel chess team, and member of Drexel AI. I love creating software and figuring out logic puzzles. I also like to write and read and watch youtube/Netflix as any other person would. I'm doing the 3 co-ops 5-year program for CS and I cannot wait for my first co-op job.

Amir Kaidarov

I am from Kazakstan and study CS at Drexel. I want to know more about Drexel opportunities and experiences.

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