Shan Chen

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Biomedical Engineering


I am a freshman majoring in Biomedical Engineering! I can be pretty reserved when you first meet me but I will open up overtime. I really enjoy eating out, especially at cafes, so if you ever need any cafe recommendations I gotchuu.

Career Goals

I want to network with people more because I am honestly not the best at that ahahahaha.


I like to play video games. You’ll probably catch me playing Valorant, Minecraft, Genshin, or Cookie Run Kingdom in my spare time. I also enjoy watching anime and kdramas. Over quarantine I got into mechanical keyboards so you’ll probably find me browsing through keyboard content all the time.

Looking For

I’ll like a mentor that I can be friends with but they can also help me out with academic advice! They don’t need to be in the same major as me, just someone who I can vibe with :)

Shan Chen

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