Jiejun Hou

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Engineering


Hello, My name is Jiejun, just my Chinese name translated. I was born in the Southern part of China, near Guangzhou. My Cantonese is terrible but my listening is better than my speaking. I enjoy subjects like math and history over reading and writing. I went to Northeast High School in Philadelphia. Been in Philly for the past 15 years :) I see myself as more introverted than extroverted.

Career Goals

I want to work in both a start-up company and a FORTUNE 500 company. There are valuable experiences to be learned from both sides of the coin. I would like to publish an academic paper. Get recognized and get rich.


Academically, I like Math and History. Hobbies include playing sports, watching anime, and playing video games on my computer. I mostly listen to English/KR/JP Songs.

Looking For

I want someone that had a similar experience as me coming into Drexel. Someone that had Engineering Undeclared as their major first. I want to know what sparked their desire to choose the major they decided to go for and why. I want to learn about their co-op experiences.

Jiejun Hou

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