Nicolo Agbayani

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Computer Science


Hi, my name is Nicolo. I am pretty chill and get along well with most people. While I would consider myself to be introverted in public, I’m pretty talkative around my friends. I love to stay organized and help people out, so if you ever need help for a class I’ll do my best to lend you a hand. In my free time, I like to play video games and learn new stuff. Right now I’m trying to learn how to draw, so hopefully it goes well!

Career Goals

I would like to use my studies of computer science to help contribute to the research and development of new technology. I am leaning toward working in artificial intelligence or language processing but I am also keeping an open mind and always ready to explore new career options.



Looking For

I am looking for a mentor who can help me professionally and academically, but having another friend is always nice.

Nicolo Agbayani

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

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