Kevin Wu

  • Year: Junior
  • Major: Computer science


When it comes to work, I like structure and routine. I’m here to get stuff done. But when it comes to play, I like to go on a whim and do something spontaneous and try new things, even if they sound like horrible ideas. I love meeting new people, especially from interesting/different backgrounds and cultures! I can basically switch from serious to fun, chatty to silent, awkward to…talkative (?). Forget horoscopes, I’m ENFP-A.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

To put it shortly, I want to help the lost underclassmen! I know what it’s like being a lost freshman and not having any friends and feeling like you’re bothering someone all the time and that you’re an inconvenience. I want to let them know that they’re not alone and I don’t want them to go through that. As a commuter, I know how bad it feels to go to class, eat, not talk to anyone, go home; essentially living a routine.

Career Goals

I’d like money (to put that bread on the table), learning opportunities (never be the smartest people in the room), and passion (do what you love, never work a day in your life) to be at my future company. Dream company? Something like Google. Google makes a ton of apps that (I think) change a lot of people’s lives.


Susquehanna International Group, LLP: 2020 Bentley Systems: 2021


I like playing video games like CS:GO and Smash. I used to play chess competitively, so I’m decent at that. I’m a fan of lo-fi. I love eating, even if it’s unhealthy (good time not long time). I’d like to travel and see all of Japan, Korea, and China one day.

What to Expect From Me

I’d like to be there for their times and troubles and give them as much advice as I can. I know that I’m not going to be perfect so I can’t always give them the most accurate answer every time, but I’d still like to steer them in the right direction. All in all, as long as they don’t feel lost or confused, I’m happy. I want to make sure that they’re happy with their college transition and that they can always confide in a friend! 😉

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

Professional, academic, and personal! I’m ready to give the “old-geezer” wisdoms for job-hunting, work-life balance, and avoiding bad professors to the “whippersnappers”. But really! I think I’ll be showing my mentee a lot of the options in college and the job search. As for more social things, I like to plan a lot of things on the whim so I can’t “predict spontaneity”.

Though I should warn that I keep myself pretty busy…I am a BSMS student so in general I have a lot less free-electives and more major-classes, so my calendar is packed BUT MY PM RESPONSE TIME IS FAST.

Kevin Wu

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