Harshil Thakur

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Software Engineering


I am a sophomore majoring in Software Engineering and minoring in Technology Innovation Management. I like to have a balance between hanging out with friends and having my own time. I also like to travel and explore new places. I have been to many different countries and wish to continue when covid gets better.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

When I came into Drexel, I remember having so many question ranging from registration to how to get the most out of the college experience. And I know that my mentor really helped me a lot and guided me through the process as well as different programs that go on. I am also taking part of many academic programs such as STAR and Aspire scholars. I know that by the end of the year, my mentor and I were really good friends and so the program did not only help me in my academic and career pursuit but also help me to get to know one more person and have a good friend. I want to be able to do that as well.

Career Goals

I am still exploring my interests in the field of computer science. My future career goals are to find a niche that fits me and my interests in the field of CS. I believe that something like Artificial Intelligence engineer or software designer could be a good fit, but I am still exploring.




I like to binge shows on Netflix, ride long-distance biking, hiking, and writing poems. I also like to research about my major and want to explore more about it.

What to Expect From Me

I plan to help them with whatever they might need help with. I can help in planning out what kind of programs exist in Drexel that will help them to explore their majors more and also help them in questions they might have regarding registration or classes that they want to take. I will also encourage them to try to get out of their comfort zone and try new experiences.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I envision a very casual and friendly relationship. I will be there to guide them through their academic and professional experience. I can help them whether it is just for simple homework or class question or something like application process for different programs like Aspire or STAR.

Harshil Thakur

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