Luke Xu

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Business and Engineering


Awesome dude, lots of energy, loves to chat, busy sometimes.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

Last year when I was in the mentorship program, my mentor Dylan helped me a lot and I want to pass it on.

Career Goals

To start a business that would revamp the food industry.. more to be said later


Process Engineering Co-op at Portescap


3D Design and Printing, Videography, making stuff in general.

What to Expect From Me

With great love. Jk. Ill provide them with all the answers to the questions I know the answers to, and also just be a good friend.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

Pretty close, we would probably be real tight ;)

Luke Xu

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

Template theme by Álvaro