Asycurie Lombestova

  • Year: Junior
  • Major: Health Sciences


I love meeting and getting to know new people. I spend my free time by spending too much money on food and watching tiktoks.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I was part of the program when I was a freshman and my mentor was someone I was able to really bond with. I am hoping to be able to connect with someone the way I was able to connect with my own mentor.

Career Goals

I am currently studying to become a Physical Therapist.




I really enjoy watching anime and trying out new places to eat in Philly. I’m also into fashion/styling different outfits. :)

What to Expect From Me

I plan on being someone my mentee would be able to talk to freely. If they were having trouble with their academics, or even life in general, I would to be a listening ear and someone who could help them by providing resources or do what I can to the best of my ability.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I envision my relationship to be something very easy and lighthearted. I want to be able to bond with my mentee without having to pressure them to be committed to their mentor. I want them to be able to come to me when they need help and talk to me whenever they want.

Asycurie Lombestova

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

Template theme by Álvaro