Azra Gallano

  • Year: Pre-Junior
  • Major: Computer Science


I’m a Filipino girl from the suburbs of Denver, Colorado, am halfway between extroverted and introverted. I am unafraid to try new things! I love fashion, making obscure references, and telling dad jokes. Also- SASE president Jackie Guan was one of the first friends I made at Drexel :)

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I have my own awesome SASE Mentor (shoutout to Darian), and being a third year I think I’ve acquired a good amount of knowledge about the computer science program, college, and city life in general that I could spread around. Plus, I love making new friends!

Career Goals

I hope to work in something that works with people and incorporates aspects of graphic design, so hopefully UI/UX design or at the very least front-end development. I love problem solving as well as being creative!


eMoney Advisor- Software Engineer Co-op


I love painting, singing karaoke with friends, watching exciting TV and movies, and playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons on my Nintendo Switch. I’m also a shopping FIEND and will take any opportunity I can to go the thrift store to find cool clothes or pretty home decor!

What to Expect From Me

Anyway they may need! Whether that be co-op search, understanding class content, figuring out how to navigate college life, or living/ having fun in the city, I can help with whatever. I can’t promise that I’m an expert on any of these subjects, but I can promise you that I’ll help in whatever way I can (we can also get boba together :D)!

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

Friendly! I’m always down to hang out :D

Azra Gallano

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

Template theme by Álvaro