Sabrina Meas

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Computer Science


Hi! Hello! As seen in my profile, my name is Sabrina! I am Chinese-Cambodian - born in Philly but moved around a lot. I’m a pretty social and open person, and I enjoy spending time to get to know people whether it’s a random conversation or a deep one. I’m also quite extroverted, so don’t get scared if I decide to walk up to you to start a conversation, LOLL :)

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

I remember entering college being new to so many things and feeling quite lost. My mentor was someone who gave me a lot of support as I was/am growing as a person, also being an amazing friend! I want to be a friend to support, advise, and just be someone that someone younger can spend and enjoy their time with!

Career Goals

I’m still exploring a lot in my career path, but after switching my major here and there, I’ve come to a point where I know what kind of work I enjoy and see myself pursuing, which is Comp Sci and Programming :) Goal-wise, I want to be able to work a job I am happy with and also have time to do things that aren’t career related in life!




I love video-editing and photography, sometimes accidentally being someone’s personal photographer (but that just means you get some good model pics)!!! I also like making Spotify playlists, journal quite a bit, and cook (so maybe I can be your personal SHEF wink wink). Although I love watching K-dramas/Anime, for some reason I’ve recently gotten into watching random movie recaps on Youtube…

What to Expect From Me

I honestly think the main thing to remember when mentoring a SASE Mentee is to be that supportive friend that my mentee can turn to whether it’s for advice, curiosity, insight, or just having fun! I want to bond with my mentee, bringing them out for food, exploring different places, or just talking. Definitely want to introduce them to knew things that people don’t know about, going into university. Overall, i just want to have a great relationship with my mentee just as I do with my own mentors in my life whether it is SASE or non-SASE.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I want to be a friend but also like an older sibling who you can get advice from, be comfortable around, and talk to about anything. We could have the most stupidest conversations with weird jokes but also have deep talks about life tingsss just cuz we all have so much going on! I’ll win you plushies at roundone or grab food with you or be your personal photographer ;)

Sabrina Meas

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen and Allen Cai

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