Josephina Im

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Computer Science


I get hyper really easily, but get tired just as fast. Spontaneous plans are fun and I will push off schoolwork for memories. uhhhh i am awful with directions and most logical things like that but i try my best. oh and i get scared easily

Career Goals

My career goals is to find something that would be active and social that I can be passionate about. The specifics of where I end up doesn’t really matter, and I have no exact thoughts on it either.


i like late night karaoke with friends and eating good food and dancing for fun and cooking and painting and trying new things and grocery shopping

What to expect from me

Taking up a mentor role is admittedly kinda burdensome for me so I would like to take it on as more of a friendship. That being said, I will make sure to take care of my mentee and bring them out to hang outs and opportunities!! I want to help my mentee feel more at home or uh more at college? I hope they can feel comfortable enough to reach out to me whenever and me to them.

Josephina Im

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen

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