Frank Yang

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering
  • Minor: Other Awesome Thing


I try to be the best person I can by knowing how I can improve myself. I try to set long term goals without a detailed plan. Given the chance I try to be really spontaneous and questionable decisions like deciding to work out at 3 am.

Career Goals

Have fun working at an aerospace or defense company and do my best to make an impact. At the same time get other hustles that will hopefully allow me the opportunity to retire early, but keep working because I enjoy it.


I spend a lot of time watching YouTube videos on random things. Other times I really enjoy making things, some of which being food which can be very hit or miss. Health-wise whenever I get the chance I try to be active and get more strength and cardio.

What to expect from me

I envision a friend type of relationship in which I’ll help them be the best version of themselves or get them through college easier socially or academically.

Frank Yang

Coded with 😭 by Tommy Nguyen

Template theme by Álvaro