Boni Zhang

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Software Engineering


Hello, my name is Boni Zhang. I am an ambivert, observer, calm but indecisive person. I like to bring creativeness to things that I do. I don’t know if the older you get, you just don’t give any care about anything and just be straight forward and extrovert at times but I think I’m at that point right now. (<–run-off sentence but whatever). But its mainly because I have been doing group works for mostly all my classes and just getting really tired of them.

Career Goals

I would like to be able to improve my logical thinking skills to help my programming. I want to bring art and creativeness to programming and all these logical concepts. I want to use my brain more but not in the way where I get driven crazy with figuring out the logic and implementations for them. I want to help the younger generation whose going towards stem to not be as frightened by it and get their precautious mindset to be turned on. I guess I would also want to become a better leader. I would also like to improve my public speaking skills.

Looking For

I am looking for someone who has been lost with their stem major but continues to go with it and has some sort of art background that wants to bring/incorporate to stem world. I would like to meet someone who has at least 2 coop experiences or it could be one. I would like to have someone guide me if I should change majors or not before it is too late.

Boni Zhang

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