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Sanna Varadhan

  • Year: Senior
  • Major: Psychology


i am NOT sana from TWICE. i love ice cream. i am an easy person to talk to #goodvibesonly

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

because i love being a mom

Career Goals

I plan to go to grad school in clinical psychology with a focus in older adult research, and eventually pursue work with older adults in a hospital setting! :D


Research Assistant at Johns Hopkins University


playing the sims 4, dancing for dkpc prism, being a gymrat, going to indian sizzler, getting coco’s

What to Expect From Me

i am an oldhead #senior👵🏽 so i would give my mentee advice on how to navigate their time at drexel easily. if they’re a first year i can help them get adjusted to the fast-paced quarter system by giving them tips + tricks on how i managed to slay my classes at drexel. im a psych major too so i would definitely be there for them if they need someone to talk to about any struggles they are experiencing, my degree is literally on how to be a good listener/empathizer :P

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

#besties_for_the_resties my love language is acts of services so i would like to go out w my mentee. i would buy them stuff and make them food. they would be like my child.

Sanna Varadhan

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