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Lawrence Ganaban

  • Year: Sophomore
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering


I’m a fairly introverted person, but I enjoy hanging out with friends, whether it be online or in person. While I can be quite busy at times, I always try to make time for others.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

College can be a really tough transition, even if you excelled in high school. I learned a lot from other people when I came to Drexel, and I want to pass that knowledge on so the transition to Drexel isn’t quite as hard as it was for me.

Career Goals

My primary career goal is to pursue a career in aerospace, specifically in design, and hopefully work on the newest tech in the industry. In addition, I hope to work my way up into different leadership positions in projects and different organizations.


Manufacturing Engineer @ Curtiss-Wright


I’m big into anime and gaming, as well as flight simulation, model kits, Dungeons & Dragons, and volleyball.

What to Expect From Me

My mentorship would be fairly casual, with meetups whenever my mentee would like to talk about whatever, from professional development, to surviving classes.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I hope to keep a friendly relationship with my mentee, with both professional and casual meetups whenever for whatever reason.

Lawrence Ganaban

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