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Jacob Hur

  • Year: Junior
  • Major: Chemical Engineering


Hey guys, I’m Jacob. I’m a Chemical Engineering major that’s in the 5 year 3 Co-Op program in Drexel. I love sports and outdoor activities so if you like them too, we’ll get along. I LOVE food. One of my life goals is to travel around the world to try out all sorts of different kinds of food. Let’s go restaurant hunting together🤭

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

When I had just gotten into Uni, I received Angel as my mentor, which was a great experience for me since she was very nice and enthusiastic to help me whenever I needed it. Now that I am older, I wanted to maybe pass on that legacy and help out younger students as well. I would be open to just making a new friend as well!

Career Goals

I would like to maybe find a job in the radiation therapy field. Helping others always made me happy so a career being able to help people in need sounds great to me.


Worked at a Chemical lab testing different drug samples


I love to climb. I currently work at The Cliffs at Callowhill, which is a climbing wall near China Town. If you think you’ll be interested in climbing too, I’ll take you whenever for free😆😆

What to Expect From Me

Mentorship with me would probably just feel like having another friend. I’d like to get to know each other better and just have fun! I’m also open to help you out with anything so always feel free to ask. If you’re an outdoor person, I’ll love to go on adventures together hehe.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

Super chill. I’d probably like it if we just become great friends. I may joke around a lot so be ready to be bombarded with corny jokes😀

Jacob Hur

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