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Andrew Bui

  • Year: Senior
  • Major: Computer Science


I am a 2nd-generation Vietnamese American. I stay focused on keeping my academics up while also having time for clubs and a social life. I am someone who’s also tried to dabble in everything growing up. Even now, I have too many hobbies to keep track of.

Why Do I Want To Be a SASE Mentor?

SASE has been my home for my 5 years at Drexel. I want to give back to the org and impart any knowledge or wisdom I have to the new students. Whether that be people new to the college life or just new to the club, I feel that I have experiences or lessons that I have learned that can prove useful to others.

Career Goals

My career goals are to find a position in software engineering that I find interesting and fulfilling, while at the same time keeping me financially comfortable for my way of life.


Lockheed Martin, Scoir, Comcast


I stay active by rock climbing and dancing for DKPC and Barrio, but I used to play soccer a lot too. I am into all genres of music, and I played the drums growing up. I enjoy building keyboards, riding my skateboard, watching anime, and playing video games, namely CS2 for the Drexel team.

What to Expect From Me

As a mentor, I will act as a support to my mentee. I want them to grow and find what it is they want, and I can teach them things both academically and socially. Of course we would hang out as well because my mentorship would be a friendship too. Even if I get busy and get preoccupied with things, I will stay in touch and always be there if my mentee needs it.

How I Envision My Relationship With My Mentee(s)

I envision a relationship where my mentee feels comfortable to ask me anything at anytime. This could be academically, professionally, or socially. As someone with more experience in college and possibly in life, I want to be able to provide guidance while at the same time having a good friendship with my mentee past the mentorship program.

Andrew Bui

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