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Matthew Chen

  • Year: Freshman
  • Major: Mechanical Engineering


Hi, My name is Matthew and I’m from northeast Philly! I’m a freshman majoring in mechanical engineering with a strong aspiration to specialize in aerospace, particularly in defense or exploration applications. I enjoy a wide variety of different games, sports, and other activities. I’ve recently taken up Muay Thai as a new interest and am slowly improving. My favorite food is either sushi or hotpot and I really like naps. I’ve also got this pretty big collection of penguins going on.

Career Goals

One of my career goals is to play a role in designing more advanced fighter jets and missile systems


Some of my interests are F1 racing, different kinds of music, games, and sports.

Looking For

Anything to be honest, just someone who’s willing to guide me through my first year of college while not being too formal.

Matthew Chen

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